4th Annual Tiger & Tails Ball added to schedule


Payge McMahon will be attending the 4th Annual Tiger & Tails Ball on Saturday, February 26th at the Washington Duke Inn in Durham, NC on behalf of  The Carolina Tiger Rescue organization,  a 501(c)3 nonprofit wildlife sanctuary whose mission is saving and protecting wild cats in captivity and in the wild. Carolina Tiger Rescue is open to the public for guided tours, by reservation only.  The Tiger & Tails Ball is one of their biggest fundraisers of the year.

When adventure athlete and volunteer enthusiast, Payge McMahon, was asked about her participation in the big fundraiser she said,  “you don’t have to travel across oceans to volunteer and work to save our endangered species.   Carolina Tiger Rescue is right in our backyard!  They are an amazing organization and I encourage everyone to get involved.” 

Located outside Raleigh, NC on 55 acres, Carolina Tiger Rescue has 72 animals of 6 different species: tigers, caracals, servals, ocelots, binturongs, and kinkajous.  The organization currently employs 9 full-time and 2 part-time staff, including a veterinarian in addition to 100 active volunteers.  For more information: www.carolinatigerrescue.org