Jumping into 2011…Literally!!


I’m going to make 2011 an EXCITING year!!  What better way to start it off then by jumping off a 35 foot cliff in Jamaica on 1/1/11.

It wasn’t the first time I jumped off the famous platform at Rick’s Café in Negril and I am sure it won’t be my last.

No matter how many times I jump (physically & metaphorically), the moment I step on the platform, my body starts to resist.  Outside I’m smiling and looking confident.  Inside, my heart starts to race, fear suddenly fills my veins and I want to turn away.  A tingling sensation of adrenaline courses through my limbs.  A chill creeps up my spine and I shudder.  My inside voice tells me not to look down at the water, but I do.  It looks so far away.  My heart beats faster.  I try to calm myself and take long, slow breathes.  I look around.  Hundreds of people are crowded around the cliff.  They are all talking, but I can’t hear them.  I force myself to look straight ahead.  ‘DON’T LOOK DOWN!!’ my mind screams and this time I listen.  I fight everything inside me and step off the platform.

I’m falling.  Instinctively, I hold my nose with my right hand and raise my left hand straight up into the air. I don’t know why I raise the one arm into the air, but I do.  I feel exhilarated plunging through the air.  I want to scream, but I don’t visite site. While I am falling, I don’t look down, but straight ahead.  I close my eyes for impact. A little over 1 second and at 35MPH, I hit the water feet first.  WHOOSH!!  The ocean swallows me whole.  My body relaxes.  Momentum tumbles me through the cool, silky, salt water.  I roll with it. I take a quick inventory when I stop and realize everything is ok.  I kick towards the surface. I break through and take a huge breath of fresh air.  The sun is still shining, I feel great, life is good… J