Home Archived Blogs Thailand Cycled 170km in past 2 days & now in Sakaeo, Thailand

Cycled 170km in past 2 days & now in Sakaeo, Thailand


Cycled 170km in past 2 days & now in Sakaeo, Thailand (Wednesday- July 16, 2008)
Well I’m in Thailand and loving it!  The people are so nice and the European group I met in Bangkok to cycle to Vietnam with are great.  Out of 12 people, I am the only American (8 are from the U.K., 2 from Holland and 1 from Denmark).Сделать своими руками дачный патио

Between yesterday and today we cycled 170km over cement and dirt roads, through the countryside passing many rice paddies, tapioca fields, rubber trees, cows, water buffalo and friendly Thai children waving as we rode through their villages.  Its HOT and very humid, around 95 degree.  Its a great, sweaty workout going over some of the hills.  Aside from my bum being totally sore and mostly numb from the bicycle seats, I am hopeful my legs will look amazing by the time I get back to the USA in September

My favorite place so far has been in Gaeng Hin Poeng where we stayed in these rustic bungalows (Wangtaptap Resort) on a hill overlooking the river in the jungle.  After a long day of cycling, we were all jumping into it to cool off.  There was a zip line running above the river and a single, cable footing bridge which I crossed just to see if I could.  I think my balance is improving!  After dinner in the common pavilion that night, they had an old karaoke machine which we all laughably enjoyed.  The best singer was our Thai support driver, Watson, who did a great rendition of Elivs songs.

The food has been very healthy and yummy.  Lots of cooked veggies, chicken, fish, noodles, rice and fruit for desert.

Today we cycle another 90km and will be stopping at a market and waterfall park.  We will end up just 10km short of the Cambodian boarder where we will cross into tomorrow morning.